

Skin Boosters


Skin boosters can be used to treat many different skin areas. They provide optimal results due to their ability to work from the inside out, awakening cells within the ‘power centre’ of your skin to replenish, revive and rejuvenate. The most common treatment areas are the face, followed by the neck, décolletage and dorsum of the hands. However, they can also be used on difficult to treat areas, like tightening the skin under the chin, the upper inner arms, inner thighs, knees and abdomen. They are safe for all skin types, ages and genders.

Profhilo is an ultra-pure, high-dose hyaluronic acid bioremodeller that is injected into the skin, acting as a hyaluronic acid moisturising treatment. Profhilo’s hydrating effect works as it stimulates collagen and elastin, attracting water into the dermis. Made with a patented technology called NAHYCOO, the result is a gel with prolonged stimulating activity on the dermal cells. The product also works to stimulate cell receptors to counteract skin laxity and restore firmness to the skin.

Most Profhilo skin treatments are delivered in a course of two sessions spaced three to six weeks apart to allow for maximum skin hydration and synergistic collagen stimulation. Further treatment may be advised for skin with more advanced sagging, photodamage and ageing. The results focus on tightening as well as hydration.

Jalupro is an injectable solution that has been formulated using a clever combination of amino acids. Technically labelled as a ‘dermal biorevitalizer’, it eradicates skin depressions caused by ageing wrinkles and scars. The science behind Jalupro works by feeding the connective tissue under the skin layers, otherwise known as fibroblasts. Fibroblasts produce collagen and repair skin to ensure it always has elasticity and great looking texture. As skin ages, the fibroblasts function reduces in activity; this can be caused by many factors, including spending too much time in the sun, intense smoking and other reasons. Consequently, wrinkles appear. The amino acids in Jalupro  join forces with the existing fibroblasts to help them continue their pre-ageing function. The more abundant the amino acids, the more healthier the skin cells are, resulting in younger appearance. This natural phenomenon is an effective way for skin to look younger again without surgery. The difference between Jalupro and Profhilo is that Jalupro can be mixed with Botox, to very subtly soften fine lines. It is also more targeted for specific areas of the face.

AlumierMD Medical Grade Skincare

AlumierMD was born out of an understanding that everyone wants clear, beautiful skin. The product development process is thoughtful and science-based. It begins with identifying skin profiles and the correct actives; this helps to determine the concentration of active ingredients needed for optimum skincare results. A team of experts have created multifaceted, results-oriented skincare products that target the underlying physiology related to each skin type, condition and person. The AlumierMD skincare line is customised to meet each individual’s needs for optimum results.

Skin Conditions


Acne is a common skin condition caused by inflammation of the pilosebaceous unit.

Targeted Action for Acne:

1. Manage bacteria

2. Enhance cell turnover

3. Antioxidant protection for cells

4. Protect against UVB & UVB



Rosacea is a common skin condition that is linked to an impaired barrier function of the skin. It is recognised by facial flushing sensitivity, telangiectasias (dilated blood vessels), papules and persistent redness.

Targeted Action for Rosacea:

1. Reinforce cellular protection

2. Strengthen blood vessel walls/manage bacteria

3. Rebuild hydrolipidic barrier

4. Protect against UVB & UVA

Skin Health/Ageing

Skin ageing is a result of biological changes in the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis.

Targeted Action for Skin Health/Ageing:

1. Antioxidant protection for cells

2. Stimulate collagen production

3. Increase cell turnover

4. Protect against UVA & UVB



Hyperpigmentation occurs when excess melanin causes a darkened appearance to the skin in either small or large areas. Pigmentation is the natural colour of a person’s skin and it is related to melanin production. Melanin protects skin cells and their DNA by absorbing the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UVR).

Treatment Pathway for Hyperpigmentation:

1. Antioxidant protection for cells

2. Degrade pigment already produced

3. Stimulate cell turnover

4. Protect against UVB & UVA


Click below to request a free of charge consultation for your personalised prescription only skincare package.

AlumierMD Chemical Peel


By booking a chemical peel, you will also receive a complimentary Post Procedure Kit worth £20.

AlumierMD Peel Treatments are the next generation of clinical exfoliation. With a variety of peels, each with a unique complex of ingredients, your AlumierMD professional can customise your program of treatments to target your specific skin concerns whether it be aging, pigmentation or acne. This unique experience includes an exfoliating peel treatment, brightening enhancement followed by prescriptive target serums which reveal a more radiant, soft and luminous skin.

Superficial chemical peels decrease the pH, which loosens the connections between dead skin cells, inducing exfoliation and stimulating new cell growth. This process causes superficial layers of dead skin to peel off, revealing a smoother and more radiant complexion. Chemical peels can also thicken the epidermis, increase dermal volume and stimulate collagen. This can help with acne, hyperpigmentation and scarring.

We offer a selection of superficial to medium depth peels known for their excellent results and safety profile. We believe in repeated treatments for progressive and gradual results, and to avoid the side effects and downtime associated with deeper peels. Chemical peels are performed by our trained medical aesthetician in a clinical setting which ensures that they are delivered safely and effectively.

When peels are performed regularly, the skin gets used to this process and begins to rejuvenate itself like younger skin. To be sure that the body doesn’t react to this deep exfoliation as it would to trauma, which can lead to pigment changes, exfoliation must be introduced gradually giving the skin time to adjust.

Your skin care specialist will complete a thorough skin analysis and recommend an individualized treatment program to address your skin concerns. A personalised program will be created that combines professional treatments with home care products.


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